Sonic the Hedgehog meets Mummies Alive!

Sparx beyond the Western Gate
It was a normal day on Mobius, well, as normal as Mobius can get! The sun was shining, the Floating Island wasn't pestered by unknown assailants, and it was warm outside. Sparx the Echidna was just waking up from a good nights sleep. She dressed, and had her usual cappuccino and toast breakfast. Her roommate, Roxy, was out visiting friends in Downunda, so Sparx was alone for the time being. Sparx went onto her computer terminal, and dialed Constable Remington of EST. "Hello Constable, had a good night's sleep?" asked Sparx casually. "Not really...but anyways, what can I do to help you?" he asked. "I was wondering if Knuckles had returned from his duties with Athair." said Sparx. "Not at present, Ma'am. I'm not really sure when he will return." replied the Constable. "Who is taking over his duties?" "The Chaotix...and Julie-Su..." "Something wrong?" "No..." "Well, I must go, but its been a nice to talk to you, Constable." "Same here." Sparx ended the transmission with a worried expression on her face. The mood soon passed, and Sparx was out the door, patrolling the adjacent land to her hut.
An hour later, Sparx was gliding to the mainland, when a bolt of pure energy knocked her out of the sky. She fell head first into the warm waters below, but she was descending at such a fast rate, that the speed momentarily blinded her. She landed in the water, her eyes opening with such a start; the water was freezing. Struggling to swim to the surface, Sparx remembered that the water was supposed to be warm, not cold... In the San Francisco bay, Rath and Ja-Kal were patrolling the waters in the nileater, when they saw a blinding flash of light, and then a splash of water. "Someone must be exiting the Western Gate." remarked Rath. "Whoever it is, it's our duty to the Prince to check it out." said Ja-Kal. They revved up the engines, and sped to where Sparx fell. Sparx swam to the top, and four strong arms pulled her out of the water. *Gasp* "Thank you for saving me!" she said. She took one look at Ja-Kal and Rath, and asked, "Are you mummies?" "Yes, we are mummies, I am Rath, and he is Ja-Kal, but who and what are you?" asked Rath. "Pardon me, my name is Sparx, and I am an echidna." replied Sparx. "Did you come from the Western Gate?" asked Ja-Kal. "Where?" asked Sparx, "No, I come from Mobius, a planet much like this one." "Hmm, how peculiar. We must take you to the Sphinx to recuperate." said Ja-Kal. And with that, they drove Sparx to the Sphinx.
At the Sphinx, Rath consulted the magical pyramid. "It says that Mobius is in a parallel universe, much like our own." said Rath. Sparx's mouth gaped open. "Really?" she breathed, "Then how did I cross over to here, and how will I get home?" "I'm not... sure about that." said Rath. All of a sudden, the, Sparx and the mummies heard a young voice. "Hi guys!" said Presley, "Who's that?" "I'm Sparx, pleased to meet you, Presley." replied Sparx. Presley and Armon went off for Presley's "egypt-su" lesson, while Sparx talked with Rath. "You were summoned here for a reason, the the question is what?" pondered Rath, "Do you have any special powers or abilities?" "Yeah, allow me to demonstrate," Sparx leaped onto the wall, and managed to scale it with ease, "I can climb walls, and I can glide,". She leaped off the wall, and glided around the room, landing beside Rath. "One more thing..." she pulled out a piece of paper and threw it into the air. She shot a bolt of lightning at it, and the paper vaporized. Rath stood there, his eyes bugging out, and his mouth gaping open. "Magnificent, are all the creatures on Mobius like you?" asked Rath. "No, there are many different peoples with their own special abilities. Echidna's can glide and climb walls." she replied. "But what about the lightning?" asked Rath. "A freak accident..." see THE EMERALD LIGHT Rath thought about that, then told Sparx about Presley being Prince Rhapses, and their battle against Scarab. Sparx was appalled by his tale, but she was overwhelmed by fatigue, so a bed was made for her. She then fell into a deep sleep. "Any idea why she was brought here?" asked Ja-Kal. "I believe that she was sent because we will have a difficult time in the next few days. Sparx has special abilities that could help us immensely...I have to go and work." Rath left to go to his workshop.
The next morning, Sparx woke up with a start. Where am I? she thought. Then she remembered what had happened. She got up and had a look around, Presley and the mummies were gone. I wonder where they are? she thought. She then saw four beautifully crafted carcophigi, she went to take a closer look. "Wow" she breathed. All of a sudden, the doors to the carcophigi flew open and the mummies came out, and ran to a room. Sparx ran after them asking, "What's wrong?" "Presley's in trouble!" replied Armon, his voice filled with concern. The mummies jumped in the hot-ra, Sparx joining them. Nefer-tina put it in gear, and they sped off. They arrived at Golden Gate Park in mere minutes, and there was Presley being attacked by Scarab and his Shabties. Sparx and the mummies leaped out of the hot-ra, and the mummies yelled, "With the strength of Ra!" And the mummies each doned battle armour. "Let's kick tut!" Sparx leaped onto a tree, and glided towards Presley.. She swooped him up, and flew him to safety. "Look out!" cried Presley. "Don't worry." she said as she absorbed the attack. She landed and placed Presley in the hot-ra, well out of harms way. Sparx then ran toward Scarab, her hands glowing. Unsheathing her sword, she shot her lightning through it, at Scarab, who was slammed against a tree. "This isn't over. Shabties, destroy them!" cried Scarab as he retreated. The Shabties attacked. Jakal attacked with his arrown, Rath with his sword, Armon with his head, Nefer-tina with her whip and Sparx with her lightning. Soon, all that was left of the Shabties, were piles of clay. "Yes!!!" said Sparx. She re-sheathed her sword. The mummies congratulated her. "Amazing! That was excellent fightning against Scarab!" said Nefer-tina. "That was cool!" commented Presley. They headed for the Sphinx. On the way, Armon asked Sparx if she was hungry. "Now that you mention it...I really could use a bit to eat..." replied Sparx. "Do you know anywhere that serve chili dogs and cappuccino?" "BEEFY BURGER!" said Armon. They stopped at Beefy Burger, and picked up some chili dogs, a cappuccino, and a lot of hamburgers.
Back at the Spinx, Jakal was pacing. "Calm down! Scarab didn't get the Prince." said Nefer-tina in an effort to calm her leader down. "But Presley almost got caught!! The lion hunts its prey when the prey is lost and alone." replied Jakal. Sparx, who had just walked up, said "What?!?" "Don't worry," said Nefer-tina, "He always goes on like that, we never understand him." "I can tell why..." said Sparx. By then, Jakal had left. "I've gotta go! Mom said that I need to clean my room today..." said Presley. Presley left. Jakal was determined to keep him safe. "We need to guard him." "I'll do it, I can glide above, and he won't notice me..." said Sparx. Jakal approuved. Sparx took off immediately. She caught sight of Presley, and fixed her attention on him. Presley got to his house, and into his room, and started to clean it. Sparx perched herself on the tree, and sat there surveying. Presley noticed her, and was about to say hi, when he noticed Anubis creeping behind her. Before he could warn her, Anubis used his magic to envelop Sparx, and take her away. Presley grabbed his amulet. "Guys, Get over here now!"
At Scarab's skyscraper, Anubis arrives with a furious Sparx. "Welcome Sparx." said Scarab. "I know what you're up to...and I won't help you." she said. "We'll see about that." Scarab grabbed Sparx by the front of the shirt, and was about to hurt her when a voice yelled: "Let her go!" The mummies had arrived, and were in their battle armour. Scarab dropped Sparx, and turned to face the mummies. He engaged them in battle. Sparx faced off with Anubis. "See my finger, see my thumb, see my fist, and watch it come!" she punched Anubis on the snout, who yelped in pain. Sparx showed no mercy, she unleashed her lightning, and fired it at Anubis, who ran and fled to the Western Gate. All of a sudden, Jakal swooped her up, and they landed in the Hot-Ra, and sped off towards the Spinx.
"Sparx, I believe I've found a way to send you back home. The pyramid has told me a way." said Rath as he handed her an amulet, "wear this, and it will transport you back and forth between the universes at your will." The amulet was black in color, with golded ears, like Anubis. "I'm really gonna miss you guys..." she said. "And we you." said Jakal. Sparx hugged each of the mummies, and Presley, before she pinned the amulet on, "I'll be back." The mummies caught sight of a tear, before Sparx vanished before her eyes.
Back on Mobius, Sparx reappeared in her hut, beside the kitchen table, where she found a letter from Roxy saying that she was looking for her brother again. Sparx reached in her pocket, and pulled out something odd, a photo of the mummies and Presley. She held it close to her heart. "I'll be back..."