--- EXTRLOW.EXE FAQ --- Q)What is extrlow? A)Since SSE MS-DOS port requires an image of the lower 16 sectors for each Saturn cdrom in order to boot it, this little util was written to extract this exact image to a file useable by SSE. In simple words: before running the MS-DOS port of SSE, you'll need to create an image with this proggy and put it in the /headers subdirectory, then run SSE with the command line: SSE.EXE headers/THEFILEYOUJUSTEXTRACTED.EXT Header files can have any extension anyway. Or none, for what matters. Q)What do i need? A)A PC running under Win9X/ME/NT/2K/XP OS (it won't work under MS-DOS) and a cdrom drive supported by the WNASPI32 library. If you're unsure about yours, try extrlow and you'll see ;) Q)How do i select the cdrom drive to extract from? A)You don't. Since i'm damn lazy, extrlow detects the first cdrom drive and uses it. Q)SSE doesn't recognize the header file! It complains about bad sizes or something ... Q)The Saturn BIOS never recognizes the cdrom! It says' drive empty'! Q)I get garbled SEGA Copyright screen while the cdrom boots! Q)The game crashes soon after the SEGA Copyright screen! What's wrong? A)It's not an SSE's bug; most probabily extrlow failed on your PC and wrote a bad header file. extrlow was tested only on a very few PCs, it's absolutely not granted to work at all. Just use another extractor, that's all. NOTE: it's better to wait until the cdrom drive has warmed up completely after inserting the cdrom, before starting extrlow. My drive (a Waitec Shuttle 8x4x32x) has a looong warming up time, and extrlow extracts garbage instead of good images until it has finished booting. I've warned you. Q)What could i use instead of extrlow? A)CDRWIN. See readme.htm for more details on how to setup this prog. Q)I'm sure i could write a better low sector extractor! A)You're absolutely welcome! I'd be glad to see a better one being worked on! I'm NOT experienced in WNASPI32 programming, so any suggestion is welcome. Q)XXXX and YYYY, and moreover ZZZZ. What can i do? A)Write me with the exact question. You might be lucky and get an answer! ;p --- eof ---